P31 Fabrications Speciality Items
P31 Fabrications offers Specialty Items that not only add that additional flair to a room but become family heirlooms. We love to sew, we love to create and we love the look on our client's faces when they see an item that opens their hearts. We have created custom pillows from the suit coat of a beloved grandfather, we have created towels that made a wonderful anniversary gift, we have draped walls with fabric and we continue to create unique designs that make our services so unique. Call us today so we can share our creative ideas with you.
Floor pillows for playing games or relaxing in front of the fire Message pillows - great gifts for any age!...make it personal! Got pets? Pillows make greats beds! Favorite shirt you can't wear anymore? Make it into a pillow! Sports pillows for the man cave! O-H-I-O! Or create one with their favorite slogan or team chant!